Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rain, Rain and More Rain :: Job

Hello Everyone-

We are now heading into our 6th straight day of “Washington weather.” We just got done with five straight days of rain and today the rain has held off so far with the exception of a few sprinkles...I was even able to hang some clothes outside! We were starting to feel like maybe we should build an ark as the streets were flooding pretty good, but hopefully the weather will start to be sunny again. It was nice for a “cool” break, but we’re ready for the sunshine.

This week has seemed to be dragging for me a little bit. Monday was the usual “work around the house” day for me, and Joel worked for Fine Designs all day. Because it was raining on Tuesday (normally our beach day), Joel worked again all day and I got cozy and read a book.

Quimixto was cancelled on Wednesday due to the rain and the kids were out of school. I had invited two girls I met at church to come along as one of them just graduated from Nursing School. Luckily it wasn’t raining Wednesday morning, so Joel and I went to meet them to tell them we had a cancellation. We invited them back to our place for breakfast and a visit. Their names are Amy (the nurse), and her best friend Alisha. They are here through an organization for one month. We had waffles and got to know them a little bit and had a good time.

School went well also. We are wrapping up “in the house.” I made a crossword puzzle for all the words of objects they have learned. They had a sheet to go along with the puzzle with pictures of the items they had to find...and of course they had to remember and find the English words. They could help each other and ask us for help, but they weren’t allowed to look at their previous worksheets for help. In all, they did a great job remembering...spelling is another issue...

Today, Thursday, there is no Pan de Vida. I guess it has been cancelled on Thursdays now due to some money and political issues which would take a long time to tell about. Luckily, we aren’t anywhere near the center of what’s happening and we will be glad to stay that way. Please just pray for the Pan de Vida ministry as a whole and for the ultimate leader to be the Lord.

Joel worked this morning for Fine Designs while I stayed home to try to clean up a little...there has been a lot of stuff from outside tracked in because of the rain. We just got back from a Dr.’s appointment who says Joel is healing really well. Joel has had a couple days with some pain and discomfort and you could be praying for that too. After the Dr., we went and ate at Comida Corrida....we love it! For those that don’t know, Mexican lunch time is between 2-4 in the afternoon where many of the restaurants advertise “Comida Corrida.” You get a soup and fresh tortillas, with an entree, dessert, and juice for under $5. It’s all home made and delicious!

Since last Monday when I had all my interviews until about this Tuesday, I had been anxiously awaiting a response on job positions. I am glad to say that I was offered two positions, one at Mary Bridge on the general peds. floor, and one at Tacoma General in the NICU. After a lot of praying and consideration, I accepted the position in the NICU today. The position starts on September 2nd, whereas the other position starts July 7th. The interview in the NICU felt a lot more comfortable and laid back. Also, I wanted to be really careful about NOT basing my decision on WANTING to stay in Mexico longer. Though we do get to stay longer, I really feel like God isn’t done with us here yet. Pan de Vida doesn’t get out until July 4th and it will be nice to finish out with our kids. Pastor Ric is gone for most of this month, and Joy, his wife, will be gone for a good portion next month, leaving the church in need of worship leaders, which Joel and I will be responsible for while they are gone, especially while Joy is gone since she’s usually singing with Joel. After they get back, they will be hosting 2 mission teams which they have asked us to help with. The decision comes with a lot relief because now we can be a little more certain of when we will be coming home, which is something we’ve been praying for clarity for. Our tentative return date is July 31st.

Please be praying for Joel’s healing and for continued good general health for both of us. Jackie’s birthday was over the weekend, and continued prayers for her would be appreciated too. Please pray for Pan de Vida and for the rest of our time here to be blessed and productive.

We love you guys...Thanks for checking in!

Joel and Leslie

PS...sorry for no pictures...we can't find the cord to transfer the pictures to the computer...I hope we didn't leave it in WA!


The Elfers said...

Congratulations on the job Leslie!
I'm glad you got the one you want without having too much agony. That is definitely a blessing!

David Malouf -- said...

So glad y'all get the relief of knowing what's next... plus the allowance for more time in Mexico. And to get to finish-out responsibilities, help with transitions, etc. What a multi-faceted blessing.

And NICU! Wow! I love biology/anatomy, but THAT would be way beyond me! I'm so glad for people like you who want to do that!

So congratulations on all counts!


Glenn Buttkus said...

Leslie, your Mom read this and the proceeding posting and had filled me in on the highlights. Super congratulations on taking that position. It will be terrific to come home already hired; no stress in looking for employment--and yes, you and Joel both felt that coming home in less than a week or two would leave so much undone. Now you can do a decent wrap up, packing, and figuring out what to do with your car, new belongings, etc.

It is great that you two are there to be lay leaders in the church. God is still present in your lives. Joel is approaching "health"; hip hip hooray!

Next week, your mother and I will take a short road trip to Montana to see your great aunt Frances. No extra running around this summer. The Camary is getting 43.8mpg, which will be very helpful for sure. Chrystal should be here for a short time before you guys return. We will warm up Ethan and Austin for you. Andrea is being so sweet offering to put them up for part of the stay. Hope you see Brian before he takes off, but I don't think so. He reports for duty before the end of July.

Big Hugs: Glenn & Melvamom