Wednesday, March 26, 2008

No Bugs :: Glass Fixed

I know everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting to hear what happened to the bugs.

I have to say they disappeared just as quickly as the appeared.

Speaking of appearances, Doña Luz our landlord showed up the day after we broke the glass and helped us fix it. When I say help, I gave her the measurements for two broken windows. One was broken when we moved in, the other we broke the night before. She purchased and brought new glass in. Her son installed one window. I installed the other. Of the two, I must say mine was done much better.

Today I did some work for Fine Designs and Leslie did more laundry.

This weekend the Spanish Baptist Church is putting on "Pacto de Sangre". It is a Christian weekend of music for young people. Pastor Luis sold us tickets for $40 a piece but that includes food for 7 meals. It should be a good time of fellowship and meeting new spanish speaking people.

Since we have no school I volunteered Leslie and I to paint Vera's Apartment. Vera has really been wanting it done since she moved in 2 years ago, but never has time because she is always helping with the people at the dump. We spoke with her yesterday and she said start with the ceiling. We purchased paint and will probably start painting the apartment tomorrow, Lord willing.

For those who don't know, Vera is the lady who has been doing work at the dump for 30 years or so. She organizes the Christmas at the dump, pours concrete floors, and gives away everything she can to help the poor. She helped us find the apartment but is currently in Washington State recovering from total knee replacement. You need good knees to climb our hill.

That is all for now. Hope everyone is blessed.

Joel and Leslie


JeanneMom said...

Would you believe it is snowing as I type? I am going to send you a pic of the silver bullet in the snow. You can show it to the Monza cousin.

You are being good servants. Vera knows the most challenging part is the ceiling. Be sure to cover everything below. (unsolicited advice from a sloppy painter) That job will keep you busy the rest of the week. It is a wonderful gift to Vera.

The music festival sounds very fun. A great way to celebrate God's careful shepherding of His people. Music, food and fellowship.

GOOD ENDING to the bug / glass story.

JeanneMom said...

How's the weather been? We haven't heard how hot it's been..It took us a couple days to get back on seattle time...the weather has been very cool....the bugs sound like flying ants we have in fall...did the bugs die by themselves?? I would make sure the coolant is full in your car... maybe check the antifreeze strength. be sure you clean the ceiling of dirt so the paint sticks.. love ya..Dad

Brother Paul said...

Hello,heard you are going to paint you should probably use Killz primer on it or somthing that is comperable to that so the paint will stick and cover any stains Love Paul