We have a few nights in a row of bugs in the evening. They are small winged insects that swarm in masses and then drop their wings and crawl around the floor. Leslie does not like these little guys at all! They interrupted our dinner and Leslie lost her apatite. The focus shifted from eating to removing the bugs from our house. We knew they were definitely attracted to Light, so tried switching lights on outside and off inside. That solved one problem but created another. We could not see them swarming anymore, but they still landed on our arms, legs, and necks. We turned lights on again and they were all over the floor and had lost the ability to fly.
Leslie wanted to know what the locals do with all these bugs.
We were locked out.
Leslie closed all the windows and doors to keep out the bugs. Those same doors and windows kept us out too.
Suddenly the bugs did not seem like a big problem any more. The focus now was gaining access back into our apartment. It is amazing how quickly your perspective can shift...
We thought about our options:
#1 we call Doña Luz and have her bring the key. Problem, we do not have her phone number, because our phone were inside. If we had her phone number she may not understand us because she speaks so quickly etc. If we got in touch she lives far away and we do not know if she would even be available to bring us the key, the day before Easter.
#2 we can break a window. Our best option was breaking the window. We decided to break the one from our patio.
Attached is a picture of the broken glass.
This morning we went to Easter Service. Leslie and I sang one song together. After service we went to Randy and Sandys house for an Easter Lunch. We drove our car to their house and the whole ride there we heard a high pitch buzz. Confused we parked the car in front of Randy and Sandys condo, and tried searching the car with a fine tooth comb. Leslie correctly identified the buzz was on the driver side of the car. We listened in the Door, under the hood, in the trunk... We couldnt figure it out.
Turns out, it was a guitar tuner in my pocket! Joy, pastor Ric's wife had brought it before service and unknowingly I had placed it in my pocket where it turned on and started singing to us. We thought something was wrong with the car, turns out it was something wrong with me.
Easter Lunch was delicious. Corn, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Glazed ham and Croissants were on the menu. We missed our families today but it was good to have a foster family, Randy Sandy and their daughter Emily take us in.
Happy Easter to everyone-
On a different note: Jim from church said that small cars like Chevy Monzas Run Hotter than larger vehicles and the fact that the temperature gauge goes down and the fan comes on shows that the Thermostat is working properly. We still will probably have it checked out but that eased our minds a lot.
Oh my goodness!!! What and end to your weekend. I am glad that we did leave in time but so sad for you that you went through it all. If we were there we could at least gone through it together. Just remember when you are doing what the Lord call you to you will face the most trials.
We're back from our trip to Kentucky. Got home a couple hours ago. We are pretty wiped with the time zone effect. We got up with a 4:45am alarm which would be 1:45 PDT. Feel like a nap. Carl was a good traveler. His laptop did not have the Blogspot cookie and I could not remember the password.
Wow on the bug story. Guess we will have to wait for the next installment of the story to learn what kind of seasonal bugs they are. I hate the part about dropping their wings and remaining alive.
Leslie must have dodged the sore throat sickness. We are so glad you had an American food meal for Easter. Aunt Barbara hosted for 26. It was buffet and collected around the TV as UofL was in the Sweet Sixteen playoffs and their game was right in the middle of dinner. The Ky cousins say "hi". I passed your business card on to whoever wanted one.
We love you and are so thankful for this Blog connection. It will be unpacking, grocery store and bill paying.......as we transition back in to life in Kent. I am so looking forward to my own bed and pillow. Dad is already napping and Carl is playing Pooh Bear on his computer.
bugs---aaahhhh! I HATE those things with a passion! What ended up happening with them? Hopefully the problem is resolved and no more worrying about them landing on you (or your food!).
That's good to hear about your car. Our car, on the other hand, conked out on us yesterday as we were getting ready to go to my parents for Easter dinner. We think its the starter.
b b y c cv hgitdtc4
(Ava says she loves you)
Can't wait to hear from you more, and hope to see you soon!
God bless.
Love the Valencias
Happy b latted Easter ,Sounds like you guys had a good Easter. Since all of the family was out of town Parents in Kentucky,Grandma California,And you two in Mexico.So I went to Shellys in Tacoma Her feonce is from Mexico so we had Carni asada ,home made tamali,and mexican cream and celantro,shrimp wraped in a banna leaf on bbq was very good.Paul
Another belated Easter greeting from us. Andrea and Jesse, our almost son-in-law came over for Easter. We had purchased a new chandelier for the living room, and he put it up for us. It had a broken glass part on it. I went to Home Depot on the way to work this morning, and they exchanged it cheerfully. Thank God for huge corporations who can write off damaged goods.
Andrea and Melva made a Southern Easter dinner, chicken fried steak with real pounded beef steak, and homemade country gravy, mashed potatoes, friend ochra, baked vegetables, and asperagres too. Then for dessert we had strawberry shortcake, berries from Central America, and huge mounds of cool whip. We had left overs for dinner the next day.
Fantastic news on the Monza. That might just be the way it will act; period, but you are very smart to have it looked at regardless--now that you getting used to having a comfortable means of transportation. Jesse drove your VW around some, and it is doing super; as you might expect.
I agree with Mo, BUGS, AAARRGHH! I hate them too. Insects just bug me. So to have them all over you and the furniture and the floor must have been wonderful. Ants lose their wings this time of year. I wonder if they were a Mexican flying ant. Too bad you had to all postal and break out the patio window. That will teach you, right?
Are you kids returning here for that wedding and a visit in late, early, or mid-May? Melva told me this morning that she had had a great conversation with Leslie on the phone last night. She is fighting a lot of pain with her right shoulder. I hope it heals up.
As you know, tomorrow we are getting ready to fly off to Texas for a week. It will be fun to be in Texas in the spring, and to spend some quality time with Miss Lucille. Plus we will be able to shovel in all the Blue Bell ice cream we want. I think Lucille is going to surprise me with a jug of Christmas punch as well. Great times acoming!
Don't know if we will be around a computer next week; probably not.
Glenn & Melva
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