I hope you are not tired of seeing pictures of the balcony. It is such a blessing to come home at the end of the day and having this amazing view. God has really blessed us. Monday and Tuesday I have been busy designing logos early in the week while Leslie went with Randy to Yelapa again. One purpose of this Blog is to introduce you to people we are serving with. Below is a picture of Randy grating cheese for Quesedillas.
Today we went out to the dump and taught some English to the kids. Leslie was used for nursing diagnosis to help a kid with eye problems. She rode with Dennis and the kid to the Hospital and Pharmacy to pick up medication. Faye had her class of the smart kids so I was back to the really young ones trying to teach them the ABC's and colors in both English and Spanish. Below is a picture of Dennis (aka Santa Clause) and Faye.
Ray and Patty (above), have come on a short term mission until April. Patty is retired from COSTCO and attended the private opening yesterday. She informed us that someone inside corporate has donated a large number of Vitamins, personal care and first aid material for Pan de Vida. This means kids will be getting some of the proper health care they need. These are tools that Leslie can use to educate the kids and parents.
It is pretty cool to come here with specific ideas of how you wanted to help and to see the way God brings in people to meet specific needs. We realize we are part of a much larger ministy than we could have pictured before we were here. I had thought that Leslie and I would come here and pretty much try to do some serving by our selves without much contact from anyone. Yet to have this blog and hear responses, and to have people send us gifts makes me realize we are not alone. When we serve with Dennis and Faye, they are a hub of a much bigger wheel. Some days I feel that we are not having any effect, yet other days I realize we are part of something that contributes to great change in the lives of the needy.
We would also like to introduce you to Pastor Luis Miguel and his wife, Lupita (Below). They are the main players out at Pan de Vida who run the ministry. They do an awesome job of making sure all the kids and volunteers are taken care of and coordinated. Without them, the ministry wouldn't exist.
Lastly I want to mention the WHALES that we have seen off of our Balcony. I could try to describe them, but it is best to show you a video. Leslie and I created one on iMovie this evening but I am having trouble uploading it. Perhaps tomorrow I can resolve the issues and post the video. For now, it is just something you will have to wait for!
Resolved at 3:30 Mexico time: ENJOY!
Yeah for Costco!! We can't wait to see the whales video... hope you can get it uploaded.
God bless!
I guess there is no fear from MX boats that jumping whales might be random with their landings...the boats are so close and the whales are acting like Mexican jumping beans!! very cool video.
What are Mexican jumping beans? I have heard that phrase all of my life....
Thanks for posting the pictures of those you are working with. COSTCO will be a great resource and thanks to God for moving them into Puerto Vallarta. He will bless their decision to donate to Pan de Vida. Pastor Luis Miguel y Lupita know they are serving an Amazing God.
I was reminiscing today that last month this time you two were packing up and taking care of hundreds of details so you could move. Seems like a l-o-n-g month when I add up all that you have experienced in the last four weeks.
"honkers" and blue jays are back in Kent! I transplanted some Moses Lake raspberries today.
What a terrific blog entry, Joel! And thank-you so much for including the pics of all the rest of the ministry gang. It does help us that are so far away get more of a feel for your situation, for your mission.
I, too, wondered just what you and Leslie would be doing when you arrived there, and got set up--but the truth is, yes, you two are an integral part of something much larger, much more significant; and with the energy and committment and passion that you kids bring to it, I am sure that your co-workers and the children are so very grateful that this is the time you picked to be there, and to share who you are, and what you can do.
I agree with Jeanne, that it is really hard to fully appreciate all that you have accomplished in a few short weeks, and it has been a loong month since you embarked on your grand adventure of spirit.
Are there so many American and other tourists there that a mega-corporation like Costco can survive down there? It seems like the average resident of the city might not be able to afford to shop in there. Do you two buy a lot of bottle water to cook in and to drink? It must be tricky even buying fruit in the local stores, cuz they rinsed it in the local water.
We are waiting to see the whale video, of course, but somehow your parents have already seen it?
Yes, we support your efforts, and applaud your committment, and share in your enthusiasm. This blogsite was a terrific idea on your part, allowing we of less faith to share in the bounty of yours.
Well, I wanted to see those frolicking whales AGAIN....this time I discovered the Bible verse at the very end. Thanks for showing us that whales can have a fun life in the sea.
Per usual, Joel, fine work. The Whales Video is wonderful; and to think that you just peek out over your balcony and such bounty is evident and accessible--wonderful.
Jeanne emailed us and told us how you buy water in 5 gallon bottles and pump it out, and that the sturdy Joelster carries it up the stairs. Do they deliver it, or do you have to carry it up the hill as well?
The Whale clip is very exciting, for sure, and the bible verse on the end is a great capper. Melva loved it too. I guess she already has emailed her response.
It looks very warm in the pics. What have the temps been? I remember my 10 years in CA where one takes for granted the sunny days and mild temps. I, for one, missed the seasons as evident here in the Northwest. I would be happy if Winter just was skipped as it sometimes is; turning into an extra long Fall, and then jumping straight into Spring.
We are having our typical busy ten minute weekend. We have to work on the downstairs shower next; the pan is cracking. The neverending story of being a home owner. You two will get your turns. Too bad you can't get SURVIVOR there on line, and Melva has not taped it. One of life's little disappointments.
Love: Glenn & Melva
Yea for whales! That was a pretty sweet show they put on. You guys are lucky that you can see that from your apartment! I still think you should give a video tour of your hill, apartment and balcony and post it on youtube for us to see! Remember you can set it to private if you don't want the whole world seeing your new pad...
God bless guys!
Christian and Melissa
Wow your view from your apt is increadable .You have changing vievs all of the time.It must be cool to come home and relax after a hard day on your Mission. Love, Paul
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